The catastrophes of our time must be called by their names and we should all work together on finding the right words, but first thoughts and deeds: With "Die Städte am Meer" we dedicate the first chapter of this ADATO+Voyage to the forced journey and to the people: to refugees fleeing from war and poverty as to the migrants leaving their homes in the hope for a better future. This comment was first published in ADATO 1_17 and discusses the sea as separating element, as a border between the worlds, as a symbol for new beginnings and in its essence as a cemetery of the nameless off the shores of Europe.

"On the road" visits the architectural typologies of the United States of America: the motel, the diner or the gas station. Between Denise Scott Brown and Robert Venturi's Deadpan shots of the facade rows along the Las Vegas Stripe and the composed realism of Ryan McGinley, the vastness of a continent is unfolded along its main traffic arteries.
While Scott Brown and Venturi, as leading professors of the 1968 Las Vegas excursion, together with their students, documented the city through a comera fixed on the engine hood, Nikolas Ettel turns, fifty years later and 12,000 km far away, a 360° camera upside down and walks through the narrow back alleys of Hong Kong. In From Movies to Places - From Side streets to Spaces Nik takes you to the "Alleys in Wonderland" (ADATO 1_18).

"On the road" visits the architectural typologies of the United States of America: the motel, the diner or the gas station. Between Denise Scott Brown and Robert Venturi's Deadpan shots of the facade rows along the Las Vegas Stripe and the composed realism of Ryan McGinley, the vastness of a continent is unfolded along its main traffic arteries.
While Scott Brown and Venturi, as leading professors of the 1968 Las Vegas excursion, together with their students, documented the city through a comera fixed on the engine hood, Nikolas Ettel turns, fifty years later and 12,000 km far away, a 360° camera upside down and walks through the narrow back alleys of Hong Kong. In From Movies to Places - From Side streets to Spaces Nik takes you to the "Alleys in Wonderland" (ADATO 1_18).

Graham McKay lets you struggle briefly for orientation and your sense of time and space on the route from A to B and between some Hemingway Daiquiris, while Lillian and Annette Gössel take you with "63° 33' 4'' N, 19° 18' 43" W" and „Nach Norden, nach Norden! … oder doch in den Süden?“ to the colours and shades of Iceland. Caught in the middle of the Atlantic, at the junction of two drifting earth plates, the youngest island of Europe lies like an infinitely distant planet.
And it is on a celestial body where the journey of this issue ends. With "Voyage dans la Lune 2.0 - A story of cannons, bubbles, garbage and Greek gods", Eleni Palles takes you to the stars to talk about earthly madness.